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  • llubrano

Strengthening Your Immunity

We’re living in difficult times, a global pandemic, political divisiveness and economic uncertaint.. As we head into winter it’s so important to keep our immune systems really strong. If we follow the basic laws of health: eat a balanced diet rich in natural foods and low in processed ones, exercise, dont smoke, get 7-8 hours of sleep, drink alcohol in moderation, meditate and give back to the community we generate a healthy immune system. My trinity of immunity that I use on a daily basis is turmeric, ginger and oregano oil. Each one of these has powerful antioxidant, ant-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties. I use fresh ginger when I juice in the mornings or in cooking. I use turmeric powder in smoothies, cooking and I also take capsules and every morning I take 5 drops of Wild Mediterranean oregano oil, sublingual to keep my immune system in top form. Make sure to use organic products.

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