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  • llubrano

Caramelized Broccoli with Fresh Herbs and Crispy Air Fryer Tofu

This is an Italian inspired dish and for those who aren’t tofu lovers you can use any protein: tempeh, seitan, or if you eat meat chicken would work well. Here’s how I do it:


1 head broccoli cut into florets

4-6 cloves garlic chopped

1 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp red chili flakes or 1 fresh chopped red chili pepper

1 block super extra firm tofu or protein of choice

Bunches of chopped fresh herbs I used oregano, marjoram and basil

In a large skillet add the broccoli florets and a little water cover with lid and steam broccoli till fork tender, drain water out place broccoli in a bowl set aside. Meanwhile place your protein in a bowl, add 1 tsp olive oil, S&P to taste and some garlic powder and cook in air fryer 12mins till crisp on edges. Add a few tbs of olive oil to the skillet add the garlic and chili flakes simmer for 2-3 minutes then add the broccoli increase heat and cook till the broccoli begins to brown on the edges, add salt to taste then add the fresh herbs and lastly add the crisped protein and combine. At the end finish with a drizzle of olive oil great on its own or served over pasta or grain of choice.

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